Web site rollout performance at The Muse. Pic of Samantha Emmitt, opening.

VOX Feminista 

Vox Feminista was a multi-media, multi-passionate performance tribe of radical womyn. Our motto—To comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”. For 23 years, we performed radical feminist political theater from our base in Boulder Colorado. Spinning around a central core was a diverse and shifting crew of ever-renewed members, each driven by love for each other and the work, and bent upon her own quantum leap of revolution. For two decades, we wrote and performed two shows a year, each a deep dive into a single theme of power—War. Water. Oil. Money. White Privilege. Religion. Food. Democracy. Fascism—to name a few.

Note that sound levels in these recordings are set to maximum. If the audio is too loud (or too soft), you may want to adjust the sound on your device.

KGNU Interview with Oak and Levi about the life and times of Vox Feminista.

KGNU interview with Oak about the last Vox show.

From the show, Tattooed Church Ladies on the Precipice of a New Paradigm, here we are dressed for a stealth invasion of The Focus on the Family Center, an ultra-right wing fundamentalist institution in Colorado Springs, where snuck in a big camera and shot a satire video for the show. From the left, Denise, Oak, Naneki,  Mona, Joy. 

From the show, Noasis: Last Call For Water. Mona, Andrea, Raven, Phil, Michele, Oak, Osha, Joy, Shannon, Meagan, Kara, Nancy. The Dairy, Boulder.

Mercury Cafe, Denver; From the show, Plop Goes the Patriarchy, Ellen, Andrea, Levi, Oak, Mona.

From Shooting Stars in Retrograde: Alienated on Earth. Erica, Michele. Oak, Naneki, Andrea, Diane, Mona, Lesley, Nancy.

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