The act of authoring a book, like the creation of this wild website, is a solo performance of showing up. I show up to myself and to you. These bubbling cauldrons of confession emerge from roots of devotion—to language, to self-and-world-honoring, to Relationship. My books are a share of the incandescent babble, my adventures in translation.
To publish words in a book for the sake of future time, an author of memoir dives, with a net, into the rushing water under her bridge to save some selective memoires, and set the weight of words upon that which is flowing away. These books are fields filled with shards of mirrors. These books are communion with the co-created, uncloseted cosmos.

Trespassing, A Memoir of Greenham Common
Published by When Womyn Made Fire Press, 2019
A ferocious feminist adventure story from the legendary anti-nuclear womyn's occupation at Greenham Common, a 19 year-long women's sustained trespass of a first-strike nuclear weapons base in England. The author lived there, from 1985-1988. She lives in Jamestown Colorado.
If you want to buy a book, I prefer that you purchase it directly from me.
If you live within the US, you can email me (oak.chezar@gmail.com) and tell me your mailing address, your Venmo account, and which book(s) you want. The cost is $20 per book, which includes shipping.
You can also mail a check, payable to Oak Chezar, along with your mailing address and which book(s) you want, to Oak Chezar, PO Box 17, Jamestown, CO 80455.
If you would like to pay via PayPal, email me at oak.chezar@gmail.com.
If you live outside the US, please order the book through Boulder Book Store.

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Heart Seed
Published by When Womyn Made Fire Press, 2017.
This book of poetry by Oak Chezar, a rewilded eco-feminist, neo-Luddite lesbian, a scholar, writer, performance artist, pholosopher, and human-animal. Oak lives in nature and works through culture to express the dream-tones in the symphonies of a seed.
If you want to buy a book, I prefer that you purchase it directly from me.
If you live within the US, you can email me (oak.chezar@gmail.com) and tell me your mailing address, your Venmo account, and which book(s) you want. The cost is $20 per book, which includes shipping.
You can also mail a check, payable to Oak Chezar, along with your mailing address and which book(s) you want, to Oak Chezar, PO Box 17, Jamestown, CO 80455.
If you would like to pay via PayPal, email me at oak.chezar@gmail.com.
If you live outside the US, please order the book through Boulder Book Store.
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In 2013 my town was practically destroyed by a thousand year flood. All the infrastructure — bridges, electricity, fire station, water plant, the canyon road, and 1/5th of our houses were swept away down the river. We were all evacuated by army helicopters. It took over a year to rebuild the road, and for all that time I witnessed and wrote it all down.
If you want to buy a book, I prefer that you purchase it directly from me.
If you live within the US, you can email me (oak.chezar@gmail.com) and tell me your mailing address, your Venmo account, and which book(s) you want. The cost is $20 per book, which includes shipping.
You can also mail a check, payable to Oak Chezar, along with your mailing address and which book(s) you want, to Oak Chezar, PO Box 17, Jamestown, CO 80455.
If you would like to pay via PayPal, email me at oak.chezar@gmail.com.
If you live outside the US, please order the book through your local book store.
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