
Meditating in Amerika

April, 2020

Just be a passenger of the breath
taking you on a long winding journey down the hills of the rising inhale
and the valleys of the falling exhale.

Stories of suffering breaking my breath
Today in NYC, a person dies every 4 minutes.
confusion and prayer bow to each in Boddhisatva realms
over unmade beds, empty purell bottles
and maybe this is year zero.
Dismembered by our memories of touch
we’re watching Netflicks
people in crowds, people shoved together, or hugging
and we’re shouting from the couches
to the tv screens—NO! NO!
There are dolphins, on FB, in Venetian canals
mountain lions prowl the daylight Boulder streets
the air transformed above us by quieted cars
The sirens scream constantly in NYC —
the only sound of human life is our dyingness

Inhale light into your bones
Exhale, sending blessings through your body

Thoughts of people dying alone shreds me
I read
there are no longer funerals
Funereal practices were evidence of human civilizations.
Life will never be the same again.

And the children, taught to fear touch,
all contact with surfaces, with others
like all relating will kill them
Inhale the horror of teaching children such fear
Exhale my mind

Meditating today, my mind an open sky
A smile of loving kindness
I prayed for trump to die
to take all his supporters with him
I let go of the thought
visualize inner light flowing down to my feet
I inhale starfields, exhale love
still definitely want trump dead,
and all his friends and family
and all their friends and family
Practice inner observing
Make of your breath an anchor
Visualize a pool, so still & clear the
golden light falls all the way to the bottom

and I take them down there with me
in heavy chains
shove them into a waiting iron trunk
wind the rusting chains around
and around
hold them down
till the bubbles stop
Just Stop —

How Covid-breath rips holes inside holy people, just breathing
How in astrology
Air is represented by blades
and how
invisible sharp steel fills the holy air
How we breathe, darting through flashing swords,
spears, small paring knives, machetes
life blasting out a billion blades a second
and slashing us down
one by one.

Every 4 minutes in New York City another human being dies
The sirens scream through my meditation, 2,000 miles away
Yesterday, trump tested all the oil executives before meeting with them
all men who meet with him are tested, instantly, magically,
cos this fuck won't wear a mask
None of us can get these tests, not even health care workers exposed,
Die! You rich, fucking narcissistic pricks!

Enter the bowl of vastness that is The Heart
Quiet ecstasy is there

(come on, don’t you want quiet ecstasy?)

The rich are stuffing their pockets while New York City dies
Will Jeff Bezos be the last human standing?
Will we ever connect again without Mark Zuckerberg's permission?
In ICU’s, ventilators hiss incessant
Like pods lined up
Incubating something terrifying.

Flow like an ocean wave into shore
and let it float away.

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